Easy And Lucrative Fundraising
Most community groups exist to support our kids in some way – from sports to education, drama to surf lifesaving and everything in between. We are giving our support to those groups in turn.
With up to 50% donated, register for this exceptionally easy and ludicrously lucrative fundraising program today.
It’s a no brainer.”
How DOes It WOrk?
- Register your community organisation and gain approval
- Receive a unique login, link and coupon code
- Access your welcome pack including posters, emails, social media posts and everything you can use to make this easy & successful
- This is where you can achieve sensational success – it’s not just about the kids you directly impact, share out to your global network (and the global networks of every adult involved)!
- Shout about it to the world – send an email blast, post on your facebook every day, tweet about it, talk it up on linkedin and get all those who support you to do the same!
- Add your link and coupon code to your blog or website so even more people can find it
- Every time someone buys a book using either your link or coupon code, EARN UP TO 50%
3. GET $$$
- Track your progress live with your secure online dashboard
- Get paid every 2nd month or more frequently by agreement

Raise Money Globally From Your Couch

How Much Can We Make?
– 50% donated to you from retail price of digital product
– 15% donated to you from retail price of printed product
That’s up to $7.50 USD a sale!
Because everything happens online, you can fundraise from all over the world by actively encouraging your friends to buy and share on their social networks enouraging their friends to do the same… That’s where the numbers really start to get exciting.
The potential is seriously huge – how close you get to your goals is up to you and your (global) community! That’s what we call the golden loop of exponential fundraising awesomeness.

What Is The Product?
Our current titles include:
My Way Home
An inspirational travel story for adventurous boys and girls 0-9.
Preview My Way Home
More Than I Can Count
A counting adventure that’s full of love for kids 0-5.
Preview More Than I Can Count
We make it EASY. There’s even a Welcome Kit full of Emails, Cool Imagery, Social Media Posts, Posters & More.
Get started or ask us about more information today!